Monthly Archives: February 2013

Audience Appeal

I was introduced to a Seth MacFarlane show, “Family Guy”, by an ex-boyfriend. At first, I was completely repulsed by the show and questioned why I was seeing a guy who appreciated this questionable brand of humor.  But I was magically transfixed. Despite the flagrant irreverence evident in the show, I learned to enjoy the humor.  It was definitely an acquired taste.

When I found out that Seth MacFarlane was hosting the Oscars, I wondered how someone as “edgy” as he is could successfully reach the entire Oscar audience. The range in diversity is huge and his true following represents just a snippet of the people watching.  Someone Read the rest of this entry

Do You Like Me?

Riveted Readers!

Exciting news! My last post about my amusing attempt  of portraying a band booster that inspired such wonderful hits (yet to be written) as:

  • You’re Pretty Good, Will You Please Be My Ringtone On My Phone? 
  • Get Your Groove on the Postage Stamp-Sized Dance Floor WOOOOOOO
  • Unintentional Body Slamming Guaranteed
  • Check Out Read the rest of this entry

Somebody Else Will Step Up

It’s so easy to say, “I’ll do it tomorrow” or “They don’t need me, somebody else will step up.”

These thoughts occurred to me when last weekend a good friend of mine, Buttons, went with me to a venue to see one of my oldest childhood chums play in his band.  

I kept putting my buddy off and would say that I’d see him when his band lands a closer venue.  However, recently, he accompanied me to see some of my other friends perform, just to keep me company so I wouldn’t have to go alone.  Finally, the reality sunk in that I would have to trek out to the outer burbs to show my support for my chums’ band. It’s pretty lame not to make the effort, isn’t it?

The venue was amusing. The stage was in the dining room and the bar was to the right of the stage and the dance floor was the size of…YOUR dining room table, but people were having a GREAT time. Those people dancing were really in the moment and yes, the postage stamp dance floor was full! The female lead singer strolled through the bar, engaging the audience as she serenaded.  And, it was Ladies’ Night…say no more. 

The male lead singer loves his music and always had a smile on his face. As each song ended, I would utter a loud “WOO HOO” like you would hear on the Soul Train show, back in the day. People looked at me and I reminded them that a band was playing. 

I sprang off my bar seat to Read the rest of this entry

Glitter Heart

Dear Voracious Readers:

I wrote you approximately 356 days ago to share with you my thoughts on Valentine’s Day. 

“I ripped open the envelope and felt a whoosh of air with substance  as I screamed.  Little stars and balloons made of glitter confetti sprayed out of the envelope and floated into the air!  The colorful confetti was all over my white sweater and black pants and it was awesome!

Laughing, I turned over my keyboard and tapped it as confetti spilled out of  it!  All of the papers in the envelope had glitter suction cupped to it and I had to remove every spec from each paper. Annoying for some, perhaps, but I thought it was hysterical. As I picked up the various confetti, I dropped it onto my desk calendar…what better home could it have? ” 

For complete transcript as I know you are riveted and I certainly don’t blame you, please read Read the rest of this entry