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How to Write an American Idol Recap When You Are Half-Watching It

Maybe it’s because I was violently ill last night but I feel compelled to do a free write about Idol tonight with the added twist of half-watching.

The dramatic opening of All About Princess Jessica, I mean, American Idol, tonight was ridiculous. Admittedly, I always fast forward through the opening. Princess Jessica recovering from being rescued, collapsed on the couch, was more than I could take. I couldn’t even read the captions because I was so annoyed.  All about Princess Jessica, seriously, will they ever learn?  The Royal Court of 6 are snubbed, once again.

We move on.  Oh yay, two songs from each person tonight.  First one is a number one hit from 2000 until now and the second one is from Soul Train.

Round 1

Hollie – Rolling in the Deep – Adele.  She always sounds great in rehearsal.  I think she is going to bring it!  She has much to prove and has the backing of America now…don’t blow it, girl!

No, you didn’t! Read the rest of this entry

This is Crazy! Vote for the Best!

I’ll admit it. I watch American Idol and have since the second to last episode of the first season.  Some seasons I get into it more than others. But, I never vote for one of the contestants. 

As the seasons have progressed, I have cut down on my viewership and don’t truly start getting hooked until the finalists are announced.  For the first time, last night, I actually enjoyed the Ford commercial. It was a sketch in pencil with each contestant showing up as a bouncing head throughout the sketch. It was cool and I was riveted. Most of them are just silly. Or, maybe I just don’t get the profound joy of singing a goofy song that revolves around a car with bizarre plots.

The show opened with the “teaser” that there would be shocking results. Surely, one of my favorites: Colton, Elise, Hollie, Joshua, Phillip or Skylar would not be voted off. Oh, did I forget someone? 

Then the judges paraded onto the stage and ripped away the microphone to save their favorite, Read the rest of this entry