Monthly Archives: August 2011

Dear Diary…

I have my high school reunion coming up next month. 31 days, but who is counting? I’ve been really fortunate to reconnect with some people from my younger days.  YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

Memories have been flooding me lately, which caused me to visit  my old childhood bedroom, which is now used as a collection of clutter, no disrespect, Dad. But, the one thing that is left intact is my desk that I had inherited from my brother when he moved out.

I immediately found my diaries that captured moments from junior high through college.  Oh boy!   The one that stood out to me was called “The Nothing Book” which was dedicated to my 7th grade teacher, Ms. Cathy Bell, who inspired me to chronicle my 13th year. Read the rest of this entry

Perky Positivity

It’s been over a week since my last post. I get very puzzled when that happens, as this is such wonderful therapy. I guess the current theme is perky positivity.  Some people are wondering where Lauren went and others are asking for me to bottle up this feeling and sell it.

If I could, I would. I can’t explain to you why I am at peace or, as my chiropractor would say, “in balance”.  In fact, given all that is going on with the uncertainty of my job, the economy, the wicked weather, etc.; I have plenty of reasons to be miserable.

You know, I don’t think I have felt this good since I went to a foot reflexologist at The Heartland Spa last year.  She drained my lymph nodes and I walked around in a “daze” for two months, I think?! To this day, I have tried to find a foot reflexologist to get me to that level of euphoria, but I have yet to find one!  Where are you?!! Read the rest of this entry

Transcendent Unit Publicist

A few years ago, I joined Facebook. I remember being shocked that my own brother was a member and I didn’t even know.  Before I knew it, I was getting sucked in by finding friends from all facets of my life. I remember being shocked  by some of the people who friended me and even me more shocked by the people who “accepted” my friend request.

I was immediately enthralled with all of the word games, put buttons on my bulletin board and was smitten with “Farmville. Prankster stepped up as my Farm Coach and I could picture him with his cowboy hat on saying, “Come on, plow those fields!” I have a few friends from college who challenged me in various word games with much aggression, might I add.

Without Facebook, I would not have found my junior high crush (sigh), people from my graduating class in improvisation and a myriad of my brother’s fraternity brothers!  The list goes on. In fact, it allows one to be up to date with the happenings of distant relatives, ones that you probably would know very little about, if not for this forum. Read the rest of this entry

You Say By & I Say Hi!

If you are looking for warm and fuzzy in tonight’s post, move along!  The feisty ranter has returned and she has words!!! First of all, you rain storms can chillax.  Oh, how I used to love the tranquility of a rain storm.  I am done with Mother Nature weeping all over us and killing trees, taking our power and flooding people’s homes.  ENOUGH!!!! But, I digress. 

Friendships or relationships are the glue that keep us all connected. The helium in our egos!  The impromptu laugh during our blue moment, a thoughtful email when one least expects it;  and the hope when we feel like we are vexed! At times, I am overwhelmed by people in my life with how wonderfully they handle issues as they arise and can’t say thank you enough.  This is where the fuzzy feeling ends! Read the rest of this entry

Write It Down

I had two awesome bike rides this past weekend that re-charged me.  Writing is equally gratifying for me. I come up with awesome posts while I ride but by the time I get home and am  ready to put my fingers on the keys, the thoughts have escaped me!

Sports Virtuoso gave me great advice more than a few years ago. When you last heard of him, I had unintentionally forgotten his birthday in June.  😦  Click HERE for post.  The back story on him is that he was my dad’s right hand man for a number of years and they were writing a book together. He became my adopted baby brother. Read the rest of this entry